What Jesus Came To Do:

Jesus came that we have life and live it more abundantly.  John 3:16-18
Jesus came to fulfill the law. - Matthew 5:17
Jesus came to divide. - Luke 12:51;  Matthew 10:34
Jesus came to call sinners.  - Mark 2:17;  Luke 5:32
Jesus came to serve and give His life.  - Mark 10:45
Jesus came to proclaim good news.  -  Luke 4:18-19
Jesus came to seek and save the lost. -  Luke 19:10
Jesus came that the World might be saved. - John 3:17
Jesus came to do His Father's will, to keep, save and resurrect believers. - John 6:38-40
Jesus came for judgment - John 9:39
Jesus came to give abundant life. -  John 10:10
Jesus came so believers may not remain in darkness.  - John 12:46
Jesus came to bear witness to the truth - John 18:37
The Good News of these Scriptures is the assurance Jesus is Alive and His Spirit lives in all those who have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior.   John 6:38-40